Wednesday, March 11, 2009

yati oh yati?

"Maka tatkala Isa mengetahui keingkaran mereka
(Bani lsrail) berkatalah dia:
"Siapakah yang akan menjadi penolong-penolongku untuk
(menegakkan agama) Allah?"
Para hawariyyin (
sahabat-sahabat setia) menjawab:
"Kamilah penolong-penolong (agama) Allah,
kami beriman kepada Allah;
dan saksikanlah bahwa sesungguhnya
kami adalah orang-orang yang berserah diri. "

- Surah Ali 'Imran , Ayat 52 -

Once upon a time...
there lived a lil' girl....
who always think that
friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest...

it's about who came, and never left your side...

since ijan had mentioned bout her hotmail account............
saya baru teringat yang saya juga punya hotmail account,
yang telah berkurun lama tak dibuka!
& surprisingly, while browsing thru the emails
i found an email from an old friend,
this tkc friend of mine sent me an email wishing me a happy birthday
(birthday saya macam nearly 3bulan lepas la kan~)
& u know what,i just realized something............
this sweet girl had been sending me birthday emails every year!
ya ALLAH, m really touched with her delicateness, her remebraness
& most of all, her value of friendship!
saya bukan nak kata kawan2 saya yang lain tak value friendship
cuma saya terharu, sebab kawan saya yang satu ini had never been my classmate
cuma she was my house-captain, & yes, kita pernah satu dorm
we weren't besties, but we used to have fun together satu ketika dulu
DAN saya sangat tak expect, dia akan selalu ingat birthday saya!!!
& yet in return, what did i do? i didn't even reply her emails!
(eh dulu replyla, cuma yang ni memang tak reply sebab baru baca email tu)
ok the point is, where is my value of friendship?????
saya baru sedar, i tend to forget my old friends!
ok maybe itu bukan niat di hati, but it somehow shown, from my uneffortless way to keep in touch with old freinds, macam case ijan & asma juga!
the one to blame is ME.......................
ok ok, jadi emo pulak, ehehe

back to the main topic,
lupa pula nak bagitau nama this friend of mine.....
she is cik yati alias....................
opst, dr yati alias, now housemanshp-ing in kuala pilah

this photo was taken the day 2 of my tkc friends,
yati & faha datang bandung,
yati : cewek yang paling tinggi skali, bertudung putih....
faha : bertudung kelabu

to yati,
terima kasih banyak sebab setiap tahun hantar birthday emails to abaw
sorry sangat sebab birthday yati abaw tak ingat pun, huuuuuu......................
semoga ALLAH memberkati budi baik yati ya

& always bare this in mind : m really really grateful to have u as my friend

m glad our path crossed
luv, abaw

oh bercakap pasal tkcian,
m just updating my read on my batch's webbie
nak wish big CONGRATULATIONS to these people:
jasara ; on her engagement (seriously my roommate jassy dah kurus gell!love the baju tunang, so classy)
k'ee ; on her engagement too (u look very pretty there gurl!)
asni ; on her pregnancy (hey there mommy-to-be!)
leen ; on her pregnancy too (i wonder leen & asni preggy naik brapa kilolah nanti, heeee ;P)

to the other tkcians co2000,
i miss u gurls, lots & lotsssssssss

abaw sayang korang, always!


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