Wednesday, March 25, 2009


semalam adik saya tunjuk video ni
seriously, sungguh out-tuned tapi lagu ni cute!hahaha

i've never watched this cartoon-animation before
(programme macam ni genre dia apa?)
but i know it is highrating & famous
these wonderpets have captured the heart of kids all around the world
infact i think wonderpets boleh jadi tontonan famili, ye tak?
i think ming-ming the duckie is kinda cute~ hehehe
well, curiousity kills the cat, i googled this up in youtube

ok now i'm moooooooooore curious to watch wonderpets!
go wonderpets!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha ha , now u got the 'virus' already,
even i yg dah nak masuk '18'(*wink wink) ni pon kena.
siap nyanyi sesorang lagi kalau tgh bosan2..