Saturday, March 21, 2009


"Kemudian Dia menuju kepada penciptaan
langit dan langit itu masih merupakan asap,
lalu Dia berkata kepadanya dan kepada bumi:
"Datanglah kamu keduanya menurut perintah-Ku
suka hati atau terpaksa."
Keduanya menjawab: "Kami datang dengan suka hati." "

- Surah Fushshilat, Ayat 11 -

Once upon a time...
there lived a lil' girl....
who loved listening to the music that takes
her out of the actual and whispers to her
the dim secrets that startle her wonder as
to who she is, and for what, when, and where to....

niat di hati tadi nak kluar gi ciwalk
lama tak pekena jco freeze..........
tapi hujan tak jadi pula~
so was browsing around youtube
& tetibe teringat kat this group.......
i watched them performing kat rancangan inbox kat sctv aritu
group ni dah lama, tapi biasalah kan,
i belated gitu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
they name themselves tqla (read as tequila)
to be frank, i like them!
i hafta admitla they were quite sexy
(bukan quite kaliiiiiii~~~, sangat sexy, hohoho~)
tapi sukalah lagu dia sebab ada pakai violin,
& soooooooo catchy~~~~~~~hehehe ;)
here are few top songs by this group
(again, i feel like dancing~muehehe)
so ladies & gentlemen, i present u, tQLaaaaaaaaaaa!

p.s : rindu kat adik saya, kemarin malam dia called, terkejut gak ingat ada bad news ke apa, rerupanya dia rindu saya~heeeeee.......
i missshhhhhhhh u too lil' bro!

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