Monday, March 30, 2009

dan brown's?

was browsing around yahoo movies just now
memanglah dah lama saya tak up-to-date on latest movies
lama tak nengok wayang,
lama tak nengok good movies,
& right now, i'm wondering if i'm able to watch this movie when it's out...

& even if i manage to watch it, will it be as good as the book?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

missing him........?

spent the whole weekend with him
half & hour ago dia dah balik kl naik bus
now m missing him already..........................


jenny & her children?

ini jenny, bersama 3 of her kittens, cute tak?

we haven't given names for the kittens, any ideas?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

what about now?

watched this vidclips this morning

saya suka =)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


semalam adik saya tunjuk video ni
seriously, sungguh out-tuned tapi lagu ni cute!hahaha

i've never watched this cartoon-animation before
(programme macam ni genre dia apa?)
but i know it is highrating & famous
these wonderpets have captured the heart of kids all around the world
infact i think wonderpets boleh jadi tontonan famili, ye tak?
i think ming-ming the duckie is kinda cute~ hehehe
well, curiousity kills the cat, i googled this up in youtube

ok now i'm moooooooooore curious to watch wonderpets!
go wonderpets!


today i took airasia flight bandung-singapore to come back home
baru sedar betapa lamanya saya tidak ke singapura...........................
especially untuk bershopping, tapi, currency singapura dah semakin tinggi
sure barang2 semakin mahal *sigh*

p.s : thanxalot abg ninam & abg sam sebab amek kitorang di changi airport tadi....
jangan serik ya? ;) : ayah went to kuching yesterday, so i only get to meet him tomorrow, safe journey tomorrow ya ayah!
p.sss : belum jumpa sayang saya, cepatlah weekend~~~!hehehe

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


g o i n g
h o m e =)

malaysia here i come! *winkwink*

Monday, March 23, 2009

tuhan tolong?

"Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah
melimpahkan nikmat atas Musa dan Harun.
Dan Kami selamatkan keduanya
dan kaumnya dari bencana yang besar.
Dan Kami tolong mereka,
maka jadilah mereka orang-orang yang menang. "
- Surat Ash Shaaffaat, Ayat 114-116 -

Lil' girl dear,
Even if you lost faith in yourself
I would still be a believer
And I'd remind you that you're like nobody else
And I would stand by you forever ......
XoXo, ain

rise & shine peeeeeeeeeeeeps!
hehe, excited gila rasanya pagi ini~
sebab besok waktu ni saya dah siap2 nak ke airport
yeayea~ home sweet home! ;D
tapi belum packing apa2 lagi nih...........
infact jam10 nanti baru mau ke ciwalk & cihampelas cari birthday present mak & din
hrmmmm, mau beliin apa ya?

urhm, malam tadi saya nengok marley & me
i cried at the scene where marley started to get unwell
then kemuncaknya masa he passed away, huuuu...........
i know it was a story bout a dog
tapi, ntahlah ek, terharu..............
maybe juga semalam tengah homesick,
tu yang sampai nanges, hehehe
but yes, he is one hell of a dog~
gile nakal!!!! capede~~~~~~~~~~ ;P

pagi tadi saya nengok vidclip ni kat tv
it's derby romero's latest hits
sekali dengar suara derby macam suara penyanyi malaysia, hahaha~
i love the rhythm, but is the lyrics as beautiful as the music?

ku rasa getaran cinta
di setiap tatapan matanya
andai ku coba tuk berpaling
akankah sanggup ku hadapi kenyataan ini

oh tuhan tolonglah aku
jangan lah kau biarkan diriku
jatuh cinta kepadanya

sebab andai itu terjadi
akan ada hati yang terluka
tuhan tolong diriku

walaupun terasa indah
andaikan ku dapat juga dirinya
namun ku harus tetap bertahan
menjaga cinta yang tlah lebih dulu ku jalani

sebab andai itu terjadi
akan ada hati yang terluka
tuhan tolong diriku

tuhan tolong diriku

sebab andai itu terjadi
akan ada hati yang terluka
tuhan tolong diriku

- Derby Romero, Tuhan Tolong -

lyrics dia simple ek?
tak suka sangat videoclip dia, hahaha~
tapi saya admit suara derby best! ;)

oh ya, yesterday those taking remedial mcq compre exam said
the questions were tougher than the one we took,
ezee kata dia risau, dja kata dia takut
well gurls, today dapat result kan?
korang dah gave your very best
dah usaha, i know u guys semangat gile study
insyaALLAH lulus, aminnnnnn
kita sama2 doa ok?
Ya ALLAH, tolonglah hamba2Mu yang daif ini.....
Hanya Kaulah, Ya ALLAH, tempat kami memohon segala pertolongan..........
Sesungguhnya Kaulah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

with all the prayers,

what woman wants?

"Dan orang-orang yang beriman,
lelaki dan perempuan,
sebahagian mereka (adalah)
menjadi penolong
bagi sebahagian yang lain.
Mereka menyuruh (mengerjakan) yang ma'ruf,

mencegah dari yang munkar,
mendirikan shalat,
menunaikan zakat dan

mereka taat pada Allah dan Rasul-Nya.
Mereka itu akan diberi rahmat oleh Allah;
sesungguhnya Allah Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana. "
- Surah At Taubah, Ayat 71 -

God creates dinosaurs,
god destroys dinosaurs.
God creates man,
man destroys god,
and man creates dinosaurs....
Dinosaurs eat man
and woman inherits the earth.

- Jurassic Park -

i received an email from my youngest aunty, mak dik
a quite interesting mail.............................
thought of sharing it here
do enjoy~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;D

What I Want in a Man

Original List:

3.Financially successful
4.A caring listener
6.In good shape
7.Dresses with style
8.Appreciates finer things
9.Full of thoughtful surprises

10.An imaginative,romantic lover

What I Want in a Man

Revised List (age 36)

1.Nice looking
2.Opens car doors, holds chairs

3.Has enough money for a nice dinner
4.Wants to talk to me.
5.Laughs at my jokes
6.Carries bags of groceries with ease
7.Has at least one shirt with the arms cut out
8.Appreciates a good home-cooked meal
9.Loves to go for drives
10.Seeks romance at least 3 times a week

What I Want in a Man

Revised List (age 42)

1.Not too ugly
2.Doesn't drive off until I'm in the car
3.Works steady-splurges on dinner out occasionally
4.Nods head when I'm talking
5.Usually remembers punch lines of jokes

6.Is in good enough shape to rearrange the furniture
7.Wears a shirt that covers his stomach
8.Knows not to buy champagne with screw-toplids
9.Remembers to put the toilet seat down
10.Shaves most weekends

What I Want in a Man

Revised List (age 52)

1.Keeps hair in nose and ears trimmed
2.Doesn't belch or scratch in public
3.Doesn't borrow money too often
4.Doesn't nod off to sleep when I'm venting
5.Doesn't retell the same joke too many times
6.Is in good enough shape to get off couch on weekends
7.Usually wears matching socks and fresh underwear

8.Appreciates a good TV dinner
9.Remembers your name on occasion
10.Shaves some weekends

What I Want in a Man

Revised List (age 62)

1.Doesn't scare small children
2.Remembers where bathroom is
3.Doesn't require much money for upkeep
4.Only snores lightly when asleep

5.Remembers why he's laughing

6.Is in good enough shape to stand up by himself
7.Usually wears some clothes
8.Likes soft foods
9.Remembers where he left his teeth

10.Remembers that it's the weekend

What I Want in a Man

Revised List (age 72)

2.Doesn't miss the toilet


p. s: countdown balik malaysia :

39 hours to go!yeayea! ;D


m i s s
h o m e

lambatnye rabu........... =(

Saturday, March 21, 2009


"Kemudian Dia menuju kepada penciptaan
langit dan langit itu masih merupakan asap,
lalu Dia berkata kepadanya dan kepada bumi:
"Datanglah kamu keduanya menurut perintah-Ku
suka hati atau terpaksa."
Keduanya menjawab: "Kami datang dengan suka hati." "

- Surah Fushshilat, Ayat 11 -

Once upon a time...
there lived a lil' girl....
who loved listening to the music that takes
her out of the actual and whispers to her
the dim secrets that startle her wonder as
to who she is, and for what, when, and where to....

niat di hati tadi nak kluar gi ciwalk
lama tak pekena jco freeze..........
tapi hujan tak jadi pula~
so was browsing around youtube
& tetibe teringat kat this group.......
i watched them performing kat rancangan inbox kat sctv aritu
group ni dah lama, tapi biasalah kan,
i belated gitu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
they name themselves tqla (read as tequila)
to be frank, i like them!
i hafta admitla they were quite sexy
(bukan quite kaliiiiiii~~~, sangat sexy, hohoho~)
tapi sukalah lagu dia sebab ada pakai violin,
& soooooooo catchy~~~~~~~hehehe ;)
here are few top songs by this group
(again, i feel like dancing~muehehe)
so ladies & gentlemen, i present u, tQLaaaaaaaaaaa!

p.s : rindu kat adik saya, kemarin malam dia called, terkejut gak ingat ada bad news ke apa, rerupanya dia rindu saya~heeeeee.......
i missshhhhhhhh u too lil' bro!

Friday, March 20, 2009

madu 3?

"Dan jika kamu takut tidak akan dapat berlaku adil
terhadap (hak-hak) perempuan yang yatim
(bilamana kamu mengawininya), maka kawinilah wanita-wanita (lain)
yang kamu senangi : dua, tiga atau empat.
Kemudian jika kamu takut tidak akan dapat berlaku adil,
maka (kawinilah) seorang saja,
atau budak-budak yang kamu miliki.
Yang demikian itu adalah lebih dekat kepada tidak berbuat aniaya."
- Surah An Nisaa', Ayat 3-

He: Yes. At last. It was so hard to wait.
She: Do you want me to leave?
He: NO! Don't even think about it.
She: Do you love me?
He: Of course! Over and over!
She: Have you ever cheated on me?
He: NO! Why are you even asking?
She: Will you kiss me?
He: Every chance I get!
She: Will you hit me?
He: Are you crazy! I'm not that kind of person!
She: Can I trust you?
He: Yes.
She: Darling!

Read from the bottom going up

since dulu saya tak berapa suka dengan ahmad dhani
haha, maybe sebab issues yang saya dengar & lihat kat sini
bukan dia sahaja, saya pun tak suka maya & mulan
saya tak berpihak kepada sesiapa.......................
cuma tak suka dengan cerita hidup dioranglah, hahaha~
lately ni pula memang ada issue tentang majlis khitanan al, el & dul
maya kononnya tak dijemput, so u can imaginelah issue dhani-maya kecoh lagi
everyday mesti ada maya di tv, capede~~~~~~~~~
tapi saya puji ahmad dhanilah sebab dia prefer to keep quiet from infotainment
maybe jugak sebab dia tau dia guilty kot? hohoho~
ok enough bout them,
saya cuma nak kata yang saya suka jugalah lagu ni
tak tau pun lagu ni ada! haha sangat belated ok!
semalam kat tv baru tau kewujudannya
i love the rhythm! make me feel like dancing~~~
& yes, i loike i loike~~~~~~

videoclip ni lawak pun ada, ye tak? heeeeee~

Thursday, March 19, 2009

happy birthday mak!

"Kami perintahkan kepada manusia supaya berbuat baik
kepada dua orang ibu bapaknya,
ibunya mengandungnya dengan susah payah,
dan melahirkannya dengan susah payah (pula).
Mengandungnya sampai menyapihnya adalah tiga puluh bulan,
sehingga apabila dia telah dewasa dan
umurnya sampai empat puluh tahun ia berdoa:
"Ya Tuhanku, tunjukilah aku untuk mensyukuri nikmat Engkau
yang telah Engkau berikan kepadaku dan kepada ibu bapakku
dan supaya aku dapat berbuat amal
yang saleh yang Engkau ridhai; berilah kebaikan kepadaku
dengan (memberi kebaikan) kepada anak cucuku.
Sesungguhnya aku bertaubat kepada Engkau dan
sesungguhnya aku termasuk orang-orang yang berserah diri."

- Surah Al Ahqaaf, Ayat 15 -

"M" is for the million things she gave me,
"O" means only that she's growing old,

"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,
"H" is for her heart of purest gold;

"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,

"R" means right, and right she'll always be,

Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER,"
A word that means the world to me.

--Howard Johnson--

mak sayang,
here's an entry for u..............

You can see it in their eyes,
in tender hugs and long good-byes,

a love that only moms and daughters know.

You can see it in their smiles,
through passing years and changing styles,
a friendship that continually seems to grow.

You can see it in their lives,
the joy each one of them derives,
in just knowing that the other one is there...

To care and to understand,
lend an ear or hold a hand,
and to celebrate the memories they share.

Once upon a memory
Someone wiped away a tear

Held me close and loved me,

Thank you, Mother dear.

Happy birthday to u,
Happy birthday to u,

Happy birthday my dear mak,

Happy birthday to u!

Happy birthday Puan Hajah Aishah bte Abdul Kapi
may u have a wonderful birthday, as wonderful as u r to me
a year older, a year wiser, a year lovelier *winkwink*
akak sayang mak sangat,

Youth fades;
love droops,
the leaves of friendship fall;

A mother's secret hope outlives them all."

- Oliver Wendell Holmes -

i LOVE u mak, & will always do

may ALLAH bless my mak,
may u have more blissfulness years ahead,
insyaALLAH, amin...........

p. s: mak nak besday pezen ape ek? ;)

collecting mugs~?

"Maka apakah orang yang Kami janjikan kepadanya
suatu janji yang baik (surga) lalu ia memperolehnya,
sama dengan orang yang Kami berikan kepadanya kenikmatan
hidup duniawi;
kemudian dia pada hari kiamat termasuk orang-orang
yang diseret (ke dalam neraka)?
- Surah Al Qashash, Ayat 62 -

Dear Ain,
I am nowhere near perfect;

I eat when im bored
I fall for boys too easily
I'm vulnerable to believing lies
I live by quotes that explain exactly what im going through
I make up excuses for everything
I have best friends and enemies
I have drama and memories
I am an average teenager:
and thats life.
Live it
Love it
Learn from it
XoXo, the lil' girl

semalam intan, aliah & me went to the sekretariat to apply the re-entry permit letter
kitorang nak balik malaysia next week (yeayea, tak sabarnya!)
& straight from there kitorang melencong kejaplah ke ciwalk
aliah wanted to buy kasut kuliah,
bila dah di ciwalk to of coursela singgah ke yogya supermarket
i bought a toothpaste, sprite zero (ni baru, so pengen coba rasa gmana)
& i found these 2 cute mugs were still on the rack
i knew they were the val's day edition
waktu tu nak beli, tapi macam tengah tak bawak duit lebeh
luckily, the mug we on sale yesterday!
so i bought both, each rp4900, murah tak?

bila ingat2 balik......................
i used to have this passion on collecting mugs
haha, mugs tu tak semua digunakan everyday
cuma sukalah nengok mugs cantik2 cute, so belilah, hahaha
here are my mugs' collection.............
(takdelah banyak mana, adalah sikit, hehehe)

well i guess i hafta stop this passion now
sebab dalam masa 6months ni i'll be going back to malaysia for good
malam tadi terfikir juga nak jual ke apa ke dengan pinggan mangkuk cawan etc yang ada ni
rasa sayang nak jual pun ada~ hehehe
but then, setiap perjumpaan pasti ada perpisahan, ye tak?
haha, ok dah mula merepek!
nak sambung kemas bilik,
semalam room-cleaning tak habis lagi
talk later alligatorrrr~

kedekut ilmu?

mulanya tadi saya nak blogging edisi curhat-mencurhat & bercerita dengan panjang lebar atas apa yang dah jadi masa exam oral compre kemarin..............
tapi bila pikir2 balik tak baiklah nak mengaibkan orang di sini
(walaupun ada sedikit mengaibkan kot, heeeee)
plus, nanti blog ini dibaca oleh dokter uni saya, ketahuan pula~ hahaha
cuma saya nak lah tujukan kat temen2 yang terlibat tu :
kenapa nak kedekut ilmu?
kenapa mesti selfish?

apa niat korang sebenarnya?
ok finelah if korang nak kumpul As kan?
korang nak korang je perform ya?
tapi compre exam ni it's not about how many As u get
nilainya lulus dengan tidak saja kan.................
korang nak korang je laa lulus eyh?
tak terdetik ke dalam hati korang,
kita dah sama2 went thru these 5years together..........
& sebab final exam ni je if tak lepas, tak boleh grad sama2
yang lebih menyakitkan hati, bila ditanya, korang tipu, korang berlakon...
takpelah, tepuk dada tanya diri sendirilah~
kiranya korang takdelah hebat mana~~~~~~~
sebabnya kami rasa dalam situation ni, kami lebih hebat
sebabnya? haha, kami memang sat the exam dalam context yang betul
we only knew the cases the minute we sat for the exam
dan yang paling bestnye, we performed too! yeeehaaaaaa~
last but not least, always remember, what goes around comes around
but for me, saya tak doakan korang ditimpa kecelakaan keburukan etc karena teraniaya
i will always pray that this will be suatu kelebihan buat kami.....
insyaALLAH, aminn................

to those yang failed the mcq paper & oral exam,
jangan putus asa,
jangan lemah semangat,
just give your very best,
ada masa lagi ni.....
setiap yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya
terus & teruskan usaha!
have faith orait?
ALLAH itu Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang
we'll be praying too......................

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

gila kentang?

"Hai orang-orang yang beriman,
sabar dan shalat sebagai penolongmu,
sesungguhnya Allah beserta orang-orang yang sabar."

- Surah Al Baqarah, Ayat 153 -

Once upon a time...
there lived a lil' girl....
who prayed for these everyday :

Dear GOD, i wish for
Comfort on difficult days,
Smiles when sadness intrudes,
Rainbows to follow the clouds,
Laughter to kiss the lips,
Hugs when spirits sag,
Sunsets to warm the heart,
Friendships to brighten the being,
Beauty for the eyes to see,
Confidence when i'm in doubt,
Faith so that i can believe,
Patience to accept the truth,
and Love to complete my life.

gooooooooooooooood morning!
saya dah bangun~
sempat browse around kat youtube tadi
to abang radin,
jumpa dah iklan mr. potato gila kentang tu!
actually pernah dah nengok iklan ni masa kat malaysia
muka cowok tu macam muka khaldoun ke? ehehe

oh what a lovely morning~~~~
kayaknya it's a good time to do room-cleaning
seriously exam week ni bilik macam tongkang pecah!
till then,

my fav indo celeb couple?

"Bagi mereka berita gembira di dalam
kehidupan di dunia dan (dalam kehidupan} di akhirat.
Tidak ada perobahan bagi kalimat-kalimat (janji-janji) Allah.
Yang demikian itu adalah kemenangan yang besar.
Janganlah kamu sedih oleh perkataan mereka.
Sesungguhnya kekuasaan itu seluruhnya adalah kepunyaan Allah.
Dialah Yang Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui. "
- Surah Yunus, Ayat 64-65 -

A dying man needs to die,
as a sleepy man needs to sleep,
and there comes a time when it is wrong,
as well as useless, to resist

i don't know why...........
i love to see them together
menurut kalian cocok ga ya?
mudah2an cowoknya benar2 masuk Islam ;)

titi kamal - christian sugiono

ok taknak blogging lama sangat
niat di hati tadi just want to update internet-ing, haha
m physically & mentally tired..........
tadi oral exam comprehensive, or they call it OLCE
& terus dapat result, both mcq paper & oral
the result : PASS!
(pasni takda exam dah, yeeeeehooooo!)
thanxalot for all the prayers,

p.s : nanti nak cerita experiences that i went thru masa study for this compre exam........
for now, bobok dulu yukkkk! *zzZZZzZZZzzzZzzzzZZz*

Monday, March 16, 2009

what goes around comes around?

p a d a n
m u k a
a k u

Friday, March 13, 2009

kelompok jaga bedah?

just a quick one,
uploading photos kelompok jaga surgery saya~ (jaga = on-call)
kitorang kelompok D, supposedly ada 15 orang
but 3 orang couldn't make it for this foto bareng (bareng = bersama)
& fyi, this event was immediately after our last jaga
we went to PVJ wearing the jaga outfit, muahaha
(dengan peluh2, muka busuk2, guess nobody knows~)
tapi, memang kitorang menjadi perhatian orang ramai di pvj tu..............
dahla malam minggu, & yet,we, going to bandung most prestigious mall, wearing the most ugliest attire la kan~~~ (tapi takdela ugly sangat, ye tak? hehehe)

we had fun, yes we did!!!
& me myself, i had fun jaga-ing with these lovely & hardworking people!
(L - R, bawah- atas) to arie, verna, baety, tiwi, uya, oscya, fauzan, ocha, artha, dikha, indra, (takda dalam foto: yenyin, jimmy, gindo)
thanks a lot guys for the co-operation & helpfulness
sorry sangat if ainul ada buat salah & silap sepanjang jaga bedah ini
& to my jaga partner, verna, i'm gonna misshhhh your celotehnesss
jangan serik jaga dengan saya ya!
luv u guysssssssss!


"Katakanlah: "Siapakah yang memberi rezeki kepadamu
dari langit dan dari bumi?"
Katakanlah: "Allah", dan sesungguhnya kami atau kamu
(orang-orang musyrik), pasti berada dalam
kebenaran atau dalam kesesatan yang nyata. "

- Surah Saba' , Ayat 24 -

If God Answers Your Prayer, He is increasing your FAITH.
If He Delays, He is increasing you PATIENCE.
If He Doesnt Answer, He has Something BETTER for you.

Terima kasih Ya ILLAHI atas nikmatMU yang satu ini........
yes yes yes, saya sangat bersyukur today......................
at least for the time being, m grateful that m eligible to take the final exam, comprehensive exam
tadi jam10wib we were called to gather as to receive our ko-as result, they call it the judicium
result hasil dari exam2 department that we'd been thru for 3semesters sebagai dokter muda rumah sakit hasan sadikin ni
actually me myself memang belum dapat result 3departments which are paeds, surgery & forensic
surgery & forensic tu memang rasa confirmlah lulus
but paeds? itu yang sangat menyeramkan!!
& to make things worst, last tues i received the news 7orang dari kelompok paeds saya tak lulus!
saya sangat takut jika saya salah seorang dari yang tidak lulus itu, huuuuuuuuu..........
nak remedial exam paeds memang dah tak boleh,
nak taknak memang terpaksa menunggu judicium hari ni
fuhhh hanya ALLAH je yang tau betapa siksanya saya menunggu hari ini!
sampai immune tubuh lemah, m having influenza, cough & in subfebris
malam2 ditemani dengan mimpi2 tentang ketidaklulusan paeds department
(oh ya, lupa nak mention, if fail 1 dept, tak boleh amek final exam)
macam2lah saya dah plan, JIKA memang saya ditakdirkan untuk tidak lulus
tadi pun takda mood, orang ajak berbual pun i prefered to keep quiet
sampai radha pun tegur, muka saya pucat...........................
cuak sangat nak dapat result, seriously saya sangat takut ok!
but then, tepat jam 11wib barulah hati saya tenang, ALHAMDULILLAH
dokter kata jika nama anda tidak dipanggil, anda layak untuk menduduki ujian senin ini
DAN nama saya tidak diannounce!THANK YOU ALLAH!!!
then, tadi apa lagi, saya menangislah, hehehe ;D
i texted my parents & my sayang, informing the news
(thank you ayah, mak, din & sayang for all those prayers....)

after the judicium : muka post nanges, muehehe~

wani, dja & intan : dari awal happy je,
sebab diorang memang dah confirm lulus semua depts, hehehe

hall where the judicium took place
(photos : ihsan dari dja, nuhun pisan teh dja! ;D)

Alhamdulillah, tadi solat zohor sempat sujud syukur
tapi saya tau, saya tak boleh berpuas hati sekarang
sebab final exam senin, selasa, rabu nilah yang paling penting!
kalau tak lulus, tak boleh magang.............................
tak boleh magang, lambatlah saya graduate
lambat graduate, lambat kahwin? (yeke sayang?????)

okie dookie, gotta start studying now
the time is killing me!
tick-tock tick-tock~~~~~~~~~~~

p.s: congrats to my 2nd-cousin, khaldoun for scoring straight 10A1 in his spm exam! terernye awak khaldoun~ we are proud of u boy, keep up the good work aite! ;D : balik dari judicium ke rumah dja & wani, nengok kain yang diorang beli untuk dibikin baju graduation, cantik!!! then tadi lepas zohor pergi ciwalk dengan intan, ezee, dja.....planned beli barang2 bilik & keperluan peribadi, tapi sempat beli kasut ni sebab ada bags & shoes fair, discount 75%, dapatlah rp49900, comfortable juga, murah ke tak? oh ya, timekaseh banyak intan, ezee, dja sebab temankan saya ke ciwalk! *muahmuahh*

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

yati oh yati?

"Maka tatkala Isa mengetahui keingkaran mereka
(Bani lsrail) berkatalah dia:
"Siapakah yang akan menjadi penolong-penolongku untuk
(menegakkan agama) Allah?"
Para hawariyyin (
sahabat-sahabat setia) menjawab:
"Kamilah penolong-penolong (agama) Allah,
kami beriman kepada Allah;
dan saksikanlah bahwa sesungguhnya
kami adalah orang-orang yang berserah diri. "

- Surah Ali 'Imran , Ayat 52 -

Once upon a time...
there lived a lil' girl....
who always think that
friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest...

it's about who came, and never left your side...

since ijan had mentioned bout her hotmail account............
saya baru teringat yang saya juga punya hotmail account,
yang telah berkurun lama tak dibuka!
& surprisingly, while browsing thru the emails
i found an email from an old friend,
this tkc friend of mine sent me an email wishing me a happy birthday
(birthday saya macam nearly 3bulan lepas la kan~)
& u know what,i just realized something............
this sweet girl had been sending me birthday emails every year!
ya ALLAH, m really touched with her delicateness, her remebraness
& most of all, her value of friendship!
saya bukan nak kata kawan2 saya yang lain tak value friendship
cuma saya terharu, sebab kawan saya yang satu ini had never been my classmate
cuma she was my house-captain, & yes, kita pernah satu dorm
we weren't besties, but we used to have fun together satu ketika dulu
DAN saya sangat tak expect, dia akan selalu ingat birthday saya!!!
& yet in return, what did i do? i didn't even reply her emails!
(eh dulu replyla, cuma yang ni memang tak reply sebab baru baca email tu)
ok the point is, where is my value of friendship?????
saya baru sedar, i tend to forget my old friends!
ok maybe itu bukan niat di hati, but it somehow shown, from my uneffortless way to keep in touch with old freinds, macam case ijan & asma juga!
the one to blame is ME.......................
ok ok, jadi emo pulak, ehehe

back to the main topic,
lupa pula nak bagitau nama this friend of mine.....
she is cik yati alias....................
opst, dr yati alias, now housemanshp-ing in kuala pilah

this photo was taken the day 2 of my tkc friends,
yati & faha datang bandung,
yati : cewek yang paling tinggi skali, bertudung putih....
faha : bertudung kelabu

to yati,
terima kasih banyak sebab setiap tahun hantar birthday emails to abaw
sorry sangat sebab birthday yati abaw tak ingat pun, huuuuuu......................
semoga ALLAH memberkati budi baik yati ya

& always bare this in mind : m really really grateful to have u as my friend

m glad our path crossed
luv, abaw

oh bercakap pasal tkcian,
m just updating my read on my batch's webbie
nak wish big CONGRATULATIONS to these people:
jasara ; on her engagement (seriously my roommate jassy dah kurus gell!love the baju tunang, so classy)
k'ee ; on her engagement too (u look very pretty there gurl!)
asni ; on her pregnancy (hey there mommy-to-be!)
leen ; on her pregnancy too (i wonder leen & asni preggy naik brapa kilolah nanti, heeee ;P)

to the other tkcians co2000,
i miss u gurls, lots & lotsssssssss

abaw sayang korang, always!


dance, keep dancing?

"Dan tinggalkanlah dosa yang nampak dan yang tersembunyi.
Sesungguhnya orang yang mengerjakan dosa,
kelak akan diberi pembalasan (pada hari kiamat),
disebabkan apa yang mereka telah kerjakan."
- Surah Al An'aam, Ayat 120 -

Lil' girl dear,
Turn up your stereo to eleven and just dance.
And if you have to; keep dancing.....
until you lose yourself,
or you find yourself again.

XoXo, ain

i used to like this song, once upon a time dulu
a time saya merasa sangat lemah...
& in need of something to........... well u know.....
this song had somehow help me to get myself together
now, history repeats itself.........................

At times life is wicked and I just can't see the light
A silver lining sometimes isn't enough
To make some wrongs seem right

Whatever life brings
I've been through everything

And now I'm on my knees again

But I know I must go on

Although I'm hurt I must be strong

Because inside I know that many
feel this way

Children don't stop dancing

Believe you can fly
At times life's unfair and you know
it's plain to see
Hey God I know I'm just a dot in
this world
Have you forgotten about me?

Whatever life brings I've been through everything

And now I'm on my knees again
But I know I must go on

Although I'm hurt I must be strong

Because inside I know that many
feel this way

Children don't stop dancing

Believe you can fly..

Am I hiding in the shadows?

Forget the pain and forget the sorrows

Am I hiding in the shadows?

Forget the pain and forget the sorrows!

But I know I must go on

Although I'm hurt I must be strong

Because inside I know that many
feel this way

Children don't stop dancing

Believe you can fly Away... Away...
Children don't stop dancing
Believe you can fly
Away... Away...

Am I hiding in the shadows?

are we hiding in the shadows?

[ Don't Stop Dancing - Creed ]

but then, saya lupa.........
kenapa mesti ingat ALLAH saat saya susah saja....?