Saturday, August 14, 2010

the loooooooooooooooong silence~

i'm back!
life has been verrrrrrrrrrry busy-busy-busy-busy lately~~~
plus kami baru je pasang internet.....
oh ya, happy ramadhan al-mubarak!
semoga ramadhan kali ini lebih baik dari yang lepas2
insyaALLAH amin.....

i'm really looking forward to blogging these days
nak share life as a houseman + being a wife at the same time
it's tough, seriously...........
Alhamdullilah i've passed my first department - paeds
currently i'm in ortho
tougher departments are about to come
i'm just hoping ALLAH will always be with me

gotta go, hubby nak pakai laptop
i helped him starting his own blog today
just can't wait to read his 1st entry, hehe ;D
talk later alligators, taa!

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