Saturday, February 28, 2009

hope & dream?

"Hai orang-orang yang beriman,
janganlah kamu menghilangkan (pahala) sedekahmu
dengan menyebut-nyebutnya dan menyakiti (perasaan si penerima),
seperti orang yang menafkahkan hartanya karena riya kepada manusia
dan dia tidak beriman kepada Allah dan hari kemudian.
Maka perumpamaan orang itu seperti batu licin yang di atasnya ada tanah,
kemudian batu itu ditimpa hujan lebat,
lalu menjadilah dia bersih (tidak bertanah).
Mereka tidak menguasai sesuatupun dari apa yang mereka usahakan;
dan Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang kafir."
- Surah Al Baqarah, Ayat 264 -

Once upon a time...
there lived a lil' girl....
who always looked up to the people
who keep on dancing even after the music has stopped,
because those are the people
who will keep on trying even after all hope is lost.......

saya banyak menghabiskan masa berfikir lately.....
& banyak benda yang saya harapkan, impikan, doakan,
moga2 berlaku dalam beberapa minggu ke depan ni...
namun, saya tau, jika cuma berharap, tanpa ada usaha,
semuanya bakalan sia-sia..................................................................

therefore, saya tidak mahu harapan2 tersebut sekadar menjadi angan2
i know i start & should be doing something bout this..........................
(or it should be lotsa things?????)

dear ALLAH, help me..............
give me YOUR cahaya & hidayah please................?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Jika mereka bersabar (menderita azab) maka nerakalah tempat diam mereka
dan jika mereka mengemukakan alasan-alasan,
maka tidaklah mereka termasuk orang-orang yang diterima alasannya.

- Surah Fushshilat, Ayat 24 -

"When a woman who has much to say says nothing, her silence can be deafening."

i'm in s i l e n c e mood
bukan kat sini je,
tapi kat hospital, rumah, sms, call................

malas nak memuji,
malas nak bercerita,
malas nak mengeluh,
malas nak ber-gossip,
malas nak mengumpat,
malas nak men-comment,
malas nak buat diri sendiri sakit hati..............
i'm hoping the mood will vanish soon (asap? i hope so...)
i'll be back later,

Saturday, February 21, 2009


"Maka berperanglah kamu pada jalan Allah,
tidaklah kamu dibebani melainkan dengan kewajiban kamu sendiri.
Kobarkanlah semangat para mukmin (untuk berperang).
Mudah-mudahan Allah menolak serangan orang-orang yang kafir itu.
Allah amat besar kekuatan dan amat keras siksaan(Nya)."
- Surah An nisaa', Ayat 84 -

Physical fitness is the basis for all other forms of excellence.
- John F. Kennedy -
was browsing around yahoo for news on rihanna's accident
& i found this....................
since now ni konon2 tengah nak diet dengan betul (chewah~)
so bacalah juga, ehehe~
& as always, sharing is caring, here goes...... ;D

7 fitness don'ts for exercise newbies to athletes

1) Don't lean on the machines

You may not realize how much your depending on the handle bars on stair-steppers, treadmills, ellipticals and other equipment you use to exercise. Do a posture check several times throughout your workout so you will get the most out of your time on the machine and avoid wrist and back strain leaning can cause.

2) Don't overdo sports bars and energy drinks

Don't assume that "fitness" food and beverages are low in calories or fine to eat in mass quantities. If you're doing endurance exercise - two hours or longer - you will definitely need to refuel. Otherwise, pay attention to what's in the bars and drinks you're packing in your gym bag and how many servings you're really consuming when you work out. Check in with a nutritionist for some healthy snack and diet options if you are relying on Luna Bars and Gatorade as meal replacements or for every snack outside of the gym.

3) Don't undereat before you exercise

If you are training for an event, doing endurance exercise, or love intense workouts, it is especially important for you to have enough fuel for all that activity. Be sure your body's getting the right amount of healthy carbs - vegetables, fruits, and whole grains - to help you maintain your energy.

4) Don't overstay at the gym

It makes sense that if you pay all that money for a gym contract, you want to get the most out of your membership. Be sure to balance the time you are spending indoors on the treadmill and in studio classes with outdoor activities. Not only will it shake up your routine a bit, you may exercise differently, more intensely, calmer, or longer when you are outside. Plus, you might just soak up some much-needed vitamin D while the 40% of Americans who are deficient are sadly experiencing bone weakness and higher levels of crabbiness (kidding...sort of).

5) Don't obsess over your abs

Of course, building a strong core is a key to being fit. But ignoring the rest of your muscles could throw your body out of balance. This can cause low back pain (and who needs more of that?), not to mention out-of-whack body image. Consult a certified personal trainer for ways to incorporate training other muscle groups into your weekly routine. You might just be able to capitalize on your fitness passion while re-framing your focus to toning, caring, and appreciating your whole body, not just one part of it.

6) Don't lift too much weight

Check your self-competition or need to one-up the lady lifting next to you at the gym door. Instead, get some good advice from a trainer or strength and conditioning coach to find out an appropriate amount of weight for your body size, fitness level, and goals. From there, gradually add weight, being sure to listen to your body when you are struggling to do another set or just get the dumbbell off the ground. Remember that being challenged is good but lifting to the point of muscle failure is not.

7) Don't take it too easy

If you've gotten bored with your daily treadmill session, don't ever sweat anymore, or don't really feel like you've worked anything out when you leave the gym, it may be time to amp up your exercise drill. Set some challenging and still attainable goals that you can work up to slowly, consider doing an interval workout to make things more interesting, or buddy up with someone who will keep you (and your routine) on your toes. Clearly, any activity is better than none, but why not make the time you invest in working out really worthwhile?

okie dookie, since it's a lovely sunday,

time to work out baybeh~~~~ *winkwink*

till then,


p.s : malam ni on-call, adehhhh.....tapi ada 5 on-calls lagi in these 2weeks, tak sabarnye nak habis, yeayea! ;)

Friday, February 20, 2009

eating less?

(Setelah pelayan itu berjumpa dengan Yusuf dia berseru):
"Yusuf, hai orang yang amat dipercaya, terangkanlah kepada kami tentang tujuh ekor sapi betina yang gemuk-gemuk yang dimakan oleh tujuh ekor sapi betina yang kurus-kurus dan tujuh bulir (gandum) yang hijau dan (tujuh) lainnya yang kering agar aku kembali kepada orang-orang itu, agar mereka mengetahuinya."
Yusuf berkata: "Supaya kamu bertanam tujuh tahun (lamanya) sebagaimana biasa; maka apa yang kamu tuai hendaklah kamu biarkan dibulirnya kecuali sedikit untuk kamu makan.

- Surah Yusuf, Ayat 46- 47 -

6 rules for dieting :
1. If you eat something, and no one else sees you eat it, it has no calories.
2. When drinking a diet soda while eating a candy bar,
the calories in the candy bar are canceled by the diet soda.

3. When you eat with someone else,
calories don’t count as long as you don’t eat more than they do.

4. Foods used for medicinal purposes never count.
5. If you fatten up everyone else around you, then you look thinner.
6. If you are in the process of preparing something,
food licked off knives and spoons have no calories.

[note : ini adalah edisi curhat-mencurhat, sebarang rasa-terasa didahului dengan sejuta kemaafan.....

maybe some of my friends would have known that m on diet
one of the reasons maybe sebab my sayang pun suruh diet........
but then, saya selalu mengatakan pada diri saya.....
ianya demi kesehatan....................
kat family saya banyak penyakit genetic
some ada diabetes, hypertension & heart disease
so tak salah kan kalau saya mengambil initiative
untuk menguruskan badan saya yang gemuk ini? hehehe ;D
TAPI (chewah tapi in capital letters tu, hoho) mungkin cara saya berdiet itu salah
i hafta admitla kadang2 ianya membuatkan saya sakit.......................

oh ya, please jangan promote kat saya product2 menlangsingkan badan
saya tau memang product2 itu berkesan, tapi MAHAL~
& please jangan kata berkorban sketlah demi untuk kurus,
keluarkan duit sketlah takpe, yada yada yada~~~~~
perlu diingatkan disini, SAYA BELUM BEKERJA
mana saya nak dapat duit?????

setiap bulan saya hanya dapat rm 800 dari mara untuk biaya hidup
& itupun memang sangat tidak cukup...................
kalau dulu duduk di jatinangor memang duit itu saya dapat juga allocate dalam my monthly savings, but now living in bandung, cost sara diri 2-3X ganda ok!
setiap bulan saya harus menebalkan muka saya minta duit belanja extra dari ayah saya
(sorry sangat ayah :| huuuuuu)

hrmmm,so apa je saya buat dengan duit rm800 per month tu?
yang pastinya sekarang saya dah tak nonton bioskop,
(saya suka nengok wayang with besties & friends, sebab apa? sangat mereleasekan tension ok!)
then saya dah tak ke pvj dan makan2 di sana
(pvj tempat2 mknnya memang mahal jugalah banding mall2 lain)
saya dah tak makan sangat di seruni rshs
(ni cafe hospital yang lumayan tidak murahlah, hahaha)

ok mari kita buat kira2 siket..........................
rm800 x 2,700 = rp, 2,160,000
tapi saya tak kluarkan semuanya, sebab bank niaga min kene ada rp150,000 dalam bank
then adalah save rp 200,000 untuk insurans kecelakaan & pendidikan
so saya keluarkan rp 1,800,000

yang saya selalu ketepikan bila je saya dah pergi kluarkan duit kat atm adalah:
duit gaji ibu (maid) = rp 80,000
duit internet = rp 70,000
duit listrik, air & keamanan rumah = rp 100,000
total duit wajib = rp 250, 000

setiap hari saya budget untuk membelanjakan uang rp15k-20k untuk 3meals,
tapi itu pun saya selalu makan 2meals je, brunch & dinner,
ni termasuk air minum aqua & morning teh manis
duit makan = rp 20,000 x 30 days = rp600,000 [rp850,000]

then, saya tak menafikan duit saya banyak habis mentop-up credit hp
yang ni memang salah satu kebutuhan dalam hiduplah
sebab family & sayang saya kat malaysia, so nak sms-call, hehehe
seminggu saya allocate rp100,000, kadang2 lebihla, hohoho
duit top-up = rp 100,000 x 4 = rp 400,000 [rp 1,250,000]

kemudian, duit keperluan peribadi & rumah
seperti shampoo, sabun mandi, obat gigi, berus gigi, sabun mop, tuala wanita,
susu tepung, susu pekat manis, kopi/ teh, bawang2, quakeroat, limau, sedikit biskut...........
saya selalu beli per 2weeks kat ciwalk, so budget tak tetap,
cuma maybe per belanja adalah dalam rp 100,000 - 130,000 kot
duit keperluan = rp 130,000 x 2 = rp 260,000 [rp1,510,000]

then, duit fotokopi bahan2 kuliah,
printing bahan2 makalah presentation
menjilid bahan2 referat & makalah
haaaaaa, selalu duit saya habis kat sinilah!
TAPI (haha, capital lagi~) since ianya adalah sesuatu demi pembelajaran
tak baiklah nak mengungkitkan, hahaha~
ok, per week selalu habis around rp 50,000
duit fotokopi etc = rp 50,000 x 4 = rp 200,000 [dah rp1,710,000 ke?!!!]

haaa, then since now kat surgery dept & banyak jaga malam
banyak naik OT, banyak kene ganti verband patient...................
so duit belanja untuk medical equipment pun lebih laa jugak
eg. surgical masks, hand gloves (ni budak2 selalu mintak2 sebab diorang tak bawaklah, bawak tak cukuplah, mula2 tu main bagi2 jelah, but lama2 memang takleh bagi free, saya mintak ganti ok! ingat murah ke hanskoon nih????? hoh ter-emo plak~~~ ye la bukan saya kedekut, tapi saya banyak habis duit beli mahal2, suka2 je main mintak2, dah tau banyak pakai hanskoon, bawaklah banyak2, heh), termometer (sebab benda ni kecik, sering gak hilang,kadang2 lupa nak kluarkan dari jas putih, so ibu tercuci dalam washing-machine,hahaha!), penlight (haaaaaa, ni orang pinjam selalu tak pulangkan! geram juga! huuuu), spygmometer (another careless mistake! saya selalu tertinggal spygmo bila selesai jaga, so jawapannya hilanglah~naseb bukan yang mahal, but still kene kluar duitlah beli baru....)
rata2 habis rp 150,000- 200,000
duit barang medic = rp 200,000 [ok dah overbudget ni, rp 1,910,000]

so nampak tak kenapa saya terpaksa menebalkan muka meminta duit lebih dari ayah saya?
then kalo dulu saya ada duit happy hour,
meaning duit yang dapat digunakan untuk nengok wayang ke...
makan2 sedap sket ke....
beli2 tit-tot tit-tot ke....
now macam dah takda je................................ =|

so now m seeking a way of dieting, TANPA mengeluarkan belanja yang banyak
tunang saya suruh saya exercise, i know i can do it,
tapi untuk exercise everyday rasanya impossiblelah kot?
bukan mencari excuse ke apa...........................
tapi tenaga fisik saya sudah habis digunakan dengan on-call 2x per week, bangun pagi2 pergi follow-up kol6pagi, ikut visite patients, kadang2 jadi assistant untuk operasi, & all those neverending case presentations...............................
& of course, m mentally exhausted too......................... =(

hrmmm, kurang makan lagi kali yaaaa? ;P

Thursday, February 19, 2009


"dan (ingatlah kisah) Ayub, ketika ia menyeru Tuhannya:
"(Ya Tuhanku), sesungguhnya aku telah ditimpa penyakit dan
Engkau adalah Tuhan Yang Maha Penyayang di antara semua penyayang." "

- Surah Al Anbiyaa' -

Dear my friend, the lil' girl.....
Everything happens for a reason.
Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck.
Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity.
All occur to test the limits of your soul.
Without these small test,
if they be events, illness or relationships,

life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere.
So make every day count.
Appreciate every moment &
take from it everything that you possibly can,
for you may never be able to experience it again.....

XoXo, ain

i had a leave today..........

why? because m having diarrhea
dah jumpa doctor tadi,

had to buy few medicine

(tak sukalah kene makan obat............)

urhm, today taknak type banyak,

just wanna share these infos that i googled up tadi

Top Eight Things to Eat When You Are Having Diarrhea

(source :

1. Bananas

Bland and easily digested, bananas are a good choice to settle an upset digestive system. The high level of potassium in bananas helps to replace electrolytes that may be lost by severe bouts of diarrhea. Bananas are also rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that helps to absorb liquid in the intestines and thus move stool along smoothly. Bananas also contain a good amount of inulin, another soluble fiber. Inulin is a prebiotic - a substance that promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria (probiotics) in the intestinal system.

2. White Rice and Mashed Potatoes

Talk about comfort food! Due to their low-fiber content, these starches are easily digested way up high in the GI tract. Eat your rice and potatoes plain; butter has a high fat content which could be irritating to your system and contribute to intestinal cramping.

3. Applesauce

Like bananas, apples are a good source of pectin. However, the high fiber in raw apples makes them too rough for a dicey intestinal system. Cooking the apples makes them easier on your system to digest, thus allowing you to benefit from the pectin, sugar and other nutrients that lie within.

4. White Toast and Crackers

When your intestines are acting normally, it is important to eat whole grain products. When you are experiencing acute diarrhea, it is better to turn to processed wheat foods. The removal of the outer husk of the grains in these foods results in easier digestion. As an added bonus, the salt (sodium) in crackers will be beneficial in terms of restoring the electrolyte balance.

5. Yogurt

It is generally recommended that dairy products should be avoided during acute diarrhea episodes. Yogurt is a major exception to this rule. Look for yogurt that contains live or active cultures, or more specifically Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum. These active cultures are probiotics and they appear to help to establish a healthier balance of bacteria in the digestive tract.

6. Steamed Chicken

Due to its bland nature, steamed white meat chicken is an easily digested source of protein, thus providing a fairly safe way to get some nutrients into your body. Butter and oils are very hard on a delicate system, so avoid deep-fried or sautéed preparations.

7. Blueberries

Reportedly dried blueberries have a long history of use in Sweden as a treatment for diarrhea. Dr. Varro Tyler in his book, Herbs of Choice recommends either chewing dried blueberries or making a tea by boiling crushed dried blueberries for about ten minutes.

The helpfulness of blueberries for diarrhea appears to be due to the fact that they contain tannins which act as an astringent, contracting tissue and reducing inflammation and secretion of liquids and mucous. Blueberries also contain substances called anthocyanosides, which have antibacterial properties, as well as being a good source of antioxidants. Lastly, blueberries are another source of the soluble fiber pectin.

8. Tea

Okay, this is a drink, but talk about soothing! There is nothing like sipping on a warm cup of tea for a feeling of comfort. Two teas in particular are especially good for quieting a diarrhea episode: Peppermint and Chamomile.
  • Peppermint Tea: Peppermint has a soothing effect on the gastrointestinal system. It is thought to calm and relax the muscles along the intestinal tract, thus reducing spasms. Peppermint also seems to be effective in reducing intestinal gas.
  • Chamomile Tea: Chamomile is a flowering herb. Chamomile tea appears to be effective in reducing intestinal inflammation and calming intestinal spasms.

What Not to Eat for Diarrhea

(source :

1. Fatty Foods

Foods with a high fat content can speed up intestinal contractions and cause a reaction to a system that is already sensitized. Therefore, try not to eat anything that is greasy, fried, creamy, or covered in gravy.

2. Dairy Products

Even if you don’t suffer from lactose intolerance, it might be a good idea to avoid dairy products for a while after suffering from a bout of diarrhea. Diarrhea can cause a lessening of the amount of the enzyme lactase. Lactase is needed in order for the body to digest lactose, the sugar found in dairy products. If this “milk sugar” goes undigested, it can result in further symptoms of gas, bloating, nausea and diarrhea. Here are some common lactose-containing foods:

  • Butter
  • Cheese
  • Ice cream
  • Milk

3. Sugar-free Foods

Some artificial sweeteners can have a laxative effect, as well as contribute to gas and bloating. So until you are feeling better, it is best to avoid:
  • Diet soda
  • Sugar-free candy
  • Sugar-free gum
  • Sugar substitute packets for coffee and tea

4. Gas-Producing Foods

Certain vegetables have a well-documented reputation for increasing intestinal gas which could contribute to further diarrhea:

  • Beans
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Onions
  • Peas

5. Alcohol, Caffeine and Carbonated Beverages

For healthy individuals, beverages containing alcohol, caffeine, and carbonation do not generally cause diarrhea. However, each has the potential to be a GI irritant, and thus are probably best avoided until your system returns to normal.

6. Unsafe Foods

Whether you have diarrhea or not, you should always make sure that you only eat food that has been safely washed, prepared and stored. Foods that are not safely prepared and stored put you at risk for a serious gastrointestinal illness. Always observe good food hygiene:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing or eating any food.
  • Thoroughly wash all raw fruits and vegetables.
  • Clean food preparation surfaces with hot soapy water before and after use.
  • Cook all foods to an internal temperature of 160 F.
  • Refrigerate or freeze leftovers immediately after eating.
urhm, apa yang saya kesalkan sekarang ialah :

- perut saya dah tak tahan pedas (i love spicy food!)
- perut saya dah ada gastritis (tak boleh lambat makan sket, nanti pedih....)
doctor pesan tadi daya tahan tubuh saya tengah kurang

sebab exhausted & tak jaga makan, (ye ke?)
ok, maybe sebab stress juga (haa, yang ni betul)
saya nak final exam in less than a month!

ok2, pasni makan yang benar, then study......................
hrrhmmmmmmmm, nak makan apa ya?

p.s: dah bosan dgn food kat sini, rindu masakan mak.............. =(

Monday, February 16, 2009

romantic quotes?

"Katakanlah : "Jika kamu (benar- benar ) mencintai ALLAH, ikutilah aku,
niscaya ALLAH mengasihi dan mengampuni dosa-dosamu."
ALLAH Maha Pengampun lahi Maha Penyayang"
- Surah Ali Imran, Ayat 31 -
Don't say you love me unless you really mean it,
because I might do something crazy like believing it.

was surfing for fun phrases quotes,
found these quotes with the most romantic first
line but least romantic second line.
i found it quite entertaining, haha~
well, as they say sharing is caring,
hope u guys enjoy them as much as i do~ ;D

I love your smile, your face, and your eyes

Damn, I'm good at telling lies!


My darling, my lover, my beautiful wife:

Marrying you screwed up my life.


I see your face when I am dreaming.

That's why I always wake up screaming.


Oh loving beauty, you float with grace

If only you could hide your face.


Kind, intelligent, loving and hot
This describes everything you are not.


I want to feel your sweet embrace

But don't take that paper bag off of your face.

My love, you take my breath away.
What have you stepped in to smell this way?


Love may be beautiful, love may be bliss

But I only slept with you, because I was pissed.


My feelings for you no words can tell
Except for maybe "Go To Hell".


Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you.

But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead, the
sugar bowl's empty and so is your head ***

till then,

iri hati?

"Dan janganlah kamu iri hati terhadap apa yang dikaruniakan
Allah kepada sebahagian kamu lebih banyak dari sebahagian yang lain.
(Karena) bagi orang laki-laki ada bahagian dari pada apa yang mereka usahakan,
dan bagi para wanita (pun) ada bahagian dari apa yang mereka usahakan,
dan mohonlah kepada Allah sebagian dari karunia-Nya.
Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu."
- Surah An Nisaa', Ayat 32 -

Life is one big road with lots of signs.
So when you riding through the ruts,

don't complicate your mind.

Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy.
Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality.
Wake up and live!
macamana nak ilangkan rasa iri hati kat orang lain?
seriously saya takda niat nak ada rasa dengki & jealous atas
kebolehan & kejayaan orang lain.......

kadang2 jauh di lubuk hati, masih terdetik
sifat itu........................................

Greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies.
- Harry Potter and the half-blood Prince -

oh help me Dear ALLAH........... =(

Friday, February 13, 2009


"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, makanlah di antara rezki yang baik-baik yang Kami berikan kepadamu dan bersyukurlah kepada Allah, jika benar-benar kepada-Nya kamu menyembah. "
- Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat172 -

as the lil' girl looked at the hundreds of mini noodles in her soup,
she realized, it's a lot like her confused mind...
So many thoughts,
so many ideas,
but each one seems to flow into another,
she never know where one starts
and where one ends...

[ If only she could get rid of the thoughts as easily as she could the noodles... ]

haha, actually dah takda modal nak blogging pasal apa
(oh m not gonna blog bout vals day, coz m not celebrating it, ehehe)
cuma tadi pagi asyik keluar iklan ni.............................

Manado: Kitorang samua pe unik
Papua: Saya, ko deng dia tra sama
Batak: Bahat bahasa dohot adatta
Palembang: Mewarnoi negeri kito
Bali: Dados manten irage malenan
Jawa: Pareng mawon kito mboten sami
Pancen leres kito benten

Indonesia: Tetapi satu hal kita sehati
Indomie... Indomie... pilihanku
Satu selera untuk semua

selalunya saya tak dapat nengok a full version of the advertisement
so saja google it up kat youtube
to be frank, i like this ads, seriously!
i hafta admit that ada sesuatu yang unique tentang ads ini, hehehe
why? sebab they sang it in pelbagai bahasa daerah,
& indomie memang product mie segera yang paling sedap kat indo ni
so i think by doing this ads, they're promoting the product quite successfully
(kadang2 nengok iklan ni memang terasa nak makan instant mie ni plak, hahaha~)

opst, cakap pasal makanan, saya jadi laparrrrrrrrr
breakfast indomie yukkkk~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
till then,

p.s: i bought an mp3 with twilight soundtrack in it, tapi lagu2 lain boleh main, ost tu pula tak boleh main, sedehnye! =(


"Kemudian makanlah dari tiap-tiap (macam) buah-buahan dan tempuhlah jalan Tuhanmu yang telah dimudahkan (bagimu). Dari perut lebah itu ke luar minuman (madu) yang bermacam-macam warnanya, di dalamnya terdapat obat yang menyembuhkan bagi manusia. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda (kebesaran Tuhan) bagi orang-orang yang memikirkan. "
- Surah An- Nahl, ayat 69-

Once upon a time...
there live a lil' girl
who thinks that men are like..
the best ones are rich, warm
& keeps u up all night long~

i've been having a new resolution recently
m trying to stop being a caffeine addict!
esp to coffee, any type of coffee : mocca, cappuccino, expresso, latte
Alhamdulillah, so far so good......
m not having any withdrawal syndrome ;D
(although selalu gak ngantuk dalam class, post-jaga syndrome nih, ok still taknak ngaku tu sebab tak minum kopi, hahaha~..........)
& now, m trying to drink milk as a routine
masa kat ortho dept that day kami belajar tentang osteoporosis
my preceptor kata my age ni masa2 peak bone mass,
thus it's good to consume lots of calcium in gaining strong bone~
so last 2 weeks, i bought this susu tepung
(sebab minum susu tepung murah sket kot)

cuma kat surgery ni kena pergi hospital pagi2...........
by 6am patut dah keluar rumah if taknak lambat follow-up
rasanya adalah few mornings yang tak sempat nak minum susu
but i'll definitely try my best to drink it everyday, ehehe

actually i wanted to google up the details of khasiat minum susu
sebab macam pernah dengar ada orang cakap sumber calcium dalam susu tak significant sangat
we'll see the result of my surfing & searching later yep? hehehe
but for the time being :
to ayah, mak, din, azan sayangku & family, aunts, uncles, cousins
minumlah susu demi kesihatan tulang yang kuat~ *winkwink*
till then,

p.s: found this at nana's blog, was juz giving it a try, heee~ ;P
The Caffeine Click Test - How <span class=Caffeinated Are You?" border="0">

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


"Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menyembunyikan apa yang telah Kami turunkan berupa keterangan-keterangan (yang jelas) dan petunjuk, setelah Kami menerangkannya kepada manusia dalam Al Kitab, mereka itu dila'nati Allah dan dila'nati (pula) oleh semua (mahluk) yang dapat mela'nati" -Al-Baqarah, Ayat 159-

Once upon a time...
there live a lil' girl...
who always bare this in her mind :
"life should never be about the pain we endure...

but rather the joy and happiness we experience,
even if only for a brief moment in time...."

alast! we had the circumcision skills' lab, yeayea!
saya dah tak payah bawak condom dalam dompet dah~ ;D
here are few photos taken during the session.........

the penis............

2 pieces of condoms as the mucous & cavenous layers

ok, here we go, after cutting thru the prepucium at the
proximal of the sulcus coronal gland

jahit, jahit & jahit... make sure rapi ok! ;D

urhm, saya nak bobok awal malam ni...
besok malam on-call!
gudnight peeps..........
sleep tight & rest well~
till then,

Saturday, February 7, 2009

thank you?

"Good friends,

good books

& a sleepy conscience:

this is the ideal life..."
- Mark Twain

juz came back from ikan bakar pakchimet
intan gave us a birthday treat.............
seriously kenyang bangetttttt~~~~~~~~~~~~

thank you my dear intan for the treat!
best best best! saya suka sangat!!!
(sampai habiskan ikan intan juga~ hohoho~)
timekaseh banyak ya intan......................
gendang gendut tali kecapi, kenyang perut suka hati ;D

& last sunday, we had a lil' birthday celebration at gemi
aliah & ezee bought a aurprise birthday cake for intan & me~
actually memang plan to lepak at gemi masa tu
but something came up so i told them i couldn't come
ezee & aliah insisted for me to come......................
mengingatkan memang that week jarang met them at the hospital
so saya ke gemi jugalah, lagipun nak bagi birthday pressie intan juga
datang2 ke bilik intan, intan pun baru balik dari outing with her aunt & family who came from malaysia for a 5days-holiday
then aliah brought in this:

a CIZZ's choco cheese cake!!!
fyi, when it comes to cheese cakes, cizz is the perfect choice!
memang sedaplah their cake, ala2 secret recipelah kononnya
(kat sini takda secret recipe, hehehe)
plus, yang bestnye cake dia tak pakai rumm ;)
at that time i took 2 slices, & they asked me to bring home half of the cake as well!
(haha, & yes, this week berat saya naik half kilo!)
tapi saya tak nyesal, coz the cake was sooooooooooo delicious!!!
(it's juz that i had to think of a rapid way to loose that half kilo lah~hohoho~)
so, ezee & aliah deareat,
thanks a lot babess for the surprise bithday cake!

kami sangat terharu.......... *hugssssssssssss*

ok, perut sudah kenyang, mata pun dah berat~~~~~
oh ya, ayah & mak juz called to ler me know that they've reached JB, Alhamdulillah....
nak tidur, cuma now ni quite risau sebab sayang saya is on his way back to KL
(he went back to JB for his grandma's funeral)
have a safe journey sayang................
dah sampai KL bagitau orait?
haha oklah, kena tidur juga, sebab malam esok on-call
nak menikmati ke-enakan tidur di kasur malam ini~
till then,

Friday, February 6, 2009

here kitty-kitty?

Once upon a time...
there live a lil' girl....
who thinks that in life's rat race,
it's not how fast you run,
but how good you deal with the cats that matters.
2days ago ayah emailed me photos of nippon miow miow that he found at the osaka castle park

well, i guess it's true when mak said ayah has been always fond of cats
sampai kat jepun pun dia boleh amek gambo kucingsss, hehehe
he's been missing our very own kittun, ayah's fav kitty back home
(to be frank, i miss kittun too!)
lil' kittun : 3 years ago...

kittun was a birthday gift from mak, din & me for ayah's 50th birthday
last year, he'd been away for a year,
uncle fendi (mak's colleague) pinjam kittun sebab nak mate-kan dengan his persian cat
so kittun has been back, joining us sejak 4bulan yang lalu

mr. kittun : the casanova~

when i came back for the last christmas-new year break i was shocked to see kittun getting bigger! size dia dah nak sampai 2 meter kot?! (haha, berlebai ni~heeee)
ok the main point is, was being in uncle's fendi home make kittun happier? bigger size means he did eat a lot, means he was happy~? hohoho~
atau, sebab ada kucing cewek di sana, he was happy that he had a girlfriend~
although we have jenny (our another kitty pet), but at that time jenny was way tooooooo small for kittun, hahahahahahahahahahaha ;P
orait kittun, now i can accept the fact that you were happy being in uncle fendi's home is bcoz --> u've got a girl out there~
(of coz bukan sebab we didn't treat u well kan? kan kittun kan kan? ;P)
soooo since now you are back with us, & since now jenny's become a laydeeeee,
please please please do enjoy your stay!

we love you kittun,

p.s: to jenny & lilo (our other pets), we love both of you too!


big dreams
stupid fights
sleepy days
endless nights
broken hearts
mascara tears
cell phone bills
report card fears
clothes too tight
shoes so high
out past curfew
another lie
eyeshadow color
midnight black
lip gloss flavor
cherry attack
belts with stars
boys with cars
Just a taste of :
teenage years......
it's 11am & i juz woke up!
haha, memang terasa kenikmatan tidurrrrrrrrrr~
was exhausted lately.......
had on-call on thurs,
& yesterday pagi petang siang malam bimbingan
i came back at 2300, with racoon eyes & dolly gaze *toingtoing*
throughout bimbingan mata actually dah tak boleh bukak
so what did i do?????
my nail biting habit came along & says HI!
serious lama dah tak gigit kuku..........
tapi semalam memang dah ngantuk tahap cipan
i didn't care if the residen was a cowok
all i need to do was to stay awake!
so i went nailbiting for the straight 1 & half hours~
itulah bad habit saya..................... =/
this nailbiting habit usually come along when i'm anxious, in anxiety
or sleepy?!macam apa jadi malam tadilah..
(dah takda sweets, selalu ada mentos untuk dikunyah if ngantuk)
saya tau saya sangat buruk & teruk jika menggigit kuku!
but i can't help it!
(sambil menjengilkan matanya.............)
huuu, macamana nak buat ni?????
i need help! stop nail biting ain!!!

ok now m gonna google up tips on nail biting cures
till then,