Tuesday, November 4, 2008

waiting for ayah & mak?

once upon a time...
there live a lil' girl.....
who thanks her GOD everyday
for HIS blissfulness on
giving her such a wonderful,
& loving family...

m counting the hours for both my parents to reach here
besok, waktu ni, ayah & mak dah ada kat sini *smileeeeeeeeeee*

ayah & mak cepatlah sampai....

tapi.....din ( my LIL' brother) couldn't make for the trip
as he's very very busy with his thesis
i wish u r coming too pumpkin!

rajin2 buat thesis adikku, biar cepat grad! nak kawen kan next year~?

m going to sleep with a large smile on my face later tonight
coz i know the sunshine's gonna bring her rays
& promise 3 beautiful days for me tomorrow!

till then,

p . s: wishing that somebody who calls me his barney is coming too...

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