Friday, December 12, 2008


Once upon a time...
there live a lil' girl....
who believes that
one lifetime
is simply not enough for her...

Intan telah mengetag saya, timekaseh intan sebab kalo takda tag ni agak malas nak blogging (prefer to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep than doing anything, heh~)

The rule: List 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. Then tag 3 other people.

1. i'm obessed with dieting, but at the same time i tend to eat a lot when i'm stressed.....

2. i left home (to be in boarding school) at age of 13....& although my family's in johor bahru, tp sampai sekarang saya bukanlah penduduk tetap jb, sebab lepas ke sekolah asrama saya ke boarding college di selangor (ada ke term ni?) then masuk uni nun jauh di seberang i guess saya lebeh lama duduk di tempat orang banding enjoying my very own hometown

3. i used to have this dream that one day i would marry a guy from my hometown, then work in johor bahru (since dari kecik tak pernah betul2 duduk jb kan....), but i guess this wont be happening, ye ke?

4. sejak 5tahun dulu, setiap kali nak balik kampung (jb), i would spent my money buying things for mak, ayah, din, aunties & cousins....barang untuk diri sendiri macam jarang je, boleh dikira dengan jari.....baik tak saya? hihihi~

5. i love my family (including extended family), ye la sape tak sayang family kan? haha~ i'm very proud of our family bonding (yang agak pelik sebab.....hrmmm, takyahla nak diexpose ek, hehe)

6. i cherish friendship a lot, & i think i kinda would do anything for those dear to me.....

7. sebelum masuk uni, saya pernah jadi cikgu tuition ajar maths tahap 1, ngan science & maths tahap 2, anak2 murid saya kata saya garang, muehehe~

8. i love doing dishes, sebab everytime kawan2 saya buat makan2 saya offer diri cuci pinggan

9. lately, i think i have obsessive-compulsive disorder, maybe....saya tak boleh nengok benda not in their places, sampai ada sekali ni saya tak tahan nengok kelepet cadar tepi katil patient terkeluar, saya patah balik ke patient tu & betulkan kelepet cadar tu...tu OCD ke? lupelah psychiatric terms~

10. sayang saya kata saya suka berangan, dia banyak kali pesan to live in reality, tapi macamana nak tak suka berangan? sebab dreams make me living.....hrmmmm................................

11. apa lagi ya? oh ya i have this nail-biting habit esp waktu nak exam, or masa2 saya sedang merisaukan sesuatu....masa kecik mak saya banyak kali tanya sedap ke rasa kuku tu?(sambil menjengilkan matanya~)

12. i love bioskop-ing, esp during weekends with my besties....tapi hobby ni banyak habis duit, sebab if nengok wayang saya mesti beli set popcorn + etc + etc..... (oh ya last week went to watch twilight with intan, aliah, best best! thanxla korang sebab ajak nengok *winkwink*)

13. when i was a lil' girl, people said i had my dad's feature (& my brother had my mom's), i even had dad's walking gait...but now dah besar semua kata adik saya muka ayah, & saya.....urhm, diorang kata tak tau ikut muka sape, sedehnye........ =P

14. i know i'm not an intelligent student, so i hafta work hard in my studies....saya tahu ada orang kata saya skema, tapi 'aiman tak kesah', sebab i just wanna do things right

15. i am naive, am i right? do agree please! well at least 5 of out 10 friends used to tell me that, hihi~ last but not least (this should be no 16. shouldnt it?haha~) --> i'm world's greatest sleepyhead!

ok now i'm tagging...............
1. dja
2. taufiq hussein
3. kak aween
4. shelby baby
5. rizal hamdan
6. noktah hitam
opst! thats would be 6!haha takpela, macam semua akan buat, ehehe

orait i'm off to bed now, kat tv dah takda cerita best, nak stay-up study malas pula~
till then,

p.s: i'm having my paeds exam on the 23rd, do wish me luck ya!


SalamMedia said...

oh my. This is a scary tag. I 'll do it I guess.

Do the dishes? Great! Among the many chores I hate most. I'm guessing you like the bubbles ;)

ainwahid said...

hehe thanx NH!
bila lg nak boast diri sniri~
ye x? ;P

sabun kat sini xbyk bubbles pun~
now ive gotta think of ways to lembutkan tangan balik, muehehe